TRREE news

The National Supplement for Switzerland has been updated!

The National Supplement for Switzerland has been updated!

de TRREE Team -
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Dear members,

The National Supplement for Switzerland has been updated to ensure its compliance with Swiss medical device law.

On May 26th, 2021, the Ordinance on Clinical Trials with Medical Devices (ClinO-MD) came into force. This ordinance implements the adaptation of Swiss law to the European Regulation (EU) 2017/745 of 5th April 2017 on medical devices. The new version is available online since Monday, October 11th, 2021.

In addition, we are currently in the middle of drafting a global update for all national supplements. The new version will adapt the list of topics analyzed to current developments in research involving humans. This update is expected to appear during the year 2022.

Best regards,
TRREE team